英 [,prəʊlɪ'teərɪən]美[,prolə'tɛrɪən]
- n. 普罗,无产者;工人
- adj. 普罗阶级的,无产阶级的
1. prolet- + -ary + -an.
2. 其本意为生孩子的人、孕育后代的人,在古罗马时期,所有的无产阶级都免除了税赋和服兵役,他们为国家服务的唯一方式就是生孩子、孕育后代,由此就引申为代指那些无产阶级人士。
3. => member of the lowest class.
4. 在台湾、香港经常用的音译词“普罗大众”,就是其音译词。
2. 其本意为生孩子的人、孕育后代的人,在古罗马时期,所有的无产阶级都免除了税赋和服兵役,他们为国家服务的唯一方式就是生孩子、孕育后代,由此就引申为代指那些无产阶级人士。
3. => member of the lowest class.
4. 在台湾、香港经常用的音译词“普罗大众”,就是其音译词。
proletarian 无产者,无产阶级
- proletarian
- proletarian: [17] A Roman citizen of the lowest class was termed a prōlētārius. The only service he was capable of performing for the state was that of producing children, to maintain its population level, and it was this function that gave the prōlētārius his name. For it was derived from prōlēs ‘offspring’, a word based on the same source (*ol- ‘nourish’) as produced English adolescent, alimony, etc.
The abbreviation prole dates back to the late 19th century (George Bernard Shaw is the first writer on record as using it), but it was George Orwell in the 1930s who firmly established the term. The immediate source of proletariat [19] is French prolétariat (in the 19th century it was often anglicized to proletariate). English is also indebted to Latin prōlēs for prolific [17], which comes from the medieval Latin derivative prōlificus ‘producing offspring’.
=> adolescent, alimentary, alimony, prolific - proletarian
- 1650s (n.) "member of the lowest class;" 1660s (adj.) "of the lowest class of people;" with -ian + Latin proletarius "citizen of the lowest class" (as an adjective, "relating to offspring"), in ancient Rome, propertyless people, exempted from taxes and military service, who served the state only by having children; from proles "offspring, progeny" (see prolific).
- 1. We must now set about building a proletarian socialist state in Russia.
- 我们必须现在就开始在俄国建立一个无产阶级社会主义国家.
- 2. Dr. Norman Bethune impersonates the spirit of proletarian internationalism.
- 白求恩医生体现了无产阶级国际主义精神.
- 3. He is the father of proletarian literature.
- 他是无产阶级文学的奠基人.
- 4. The menu, prepared by White House chef Jon Hill , was anything but proletarian.
- 白宫厨师乔恩·布尔准备的佳肴无所不有.
- 5. The serf an assured existence, the proletarian has not.
- 农奴生活有保障, 无产者生活无保障.